Team introduction












The meaning of Tifone is a typhoon!

Can they literally be the eyes of a typhoon?

It is a powerful team with A rank Gaddini and B rank Cassetti!




Derek, meaning ruler!

Can they rule BUG-1?

With A-rank Nanji and C-rank O. Imate, they are ready to race!




It’s Team Bullet that runs through at bullet-like speeds!

Can they hit the goal at the top?

A-ranked Minty and D-ranked B. Lager.

What is the result?




Can they stab the top checker with an Oscar (sacred spear)?

What kind of race will you show

with Barbarossa, the top ranker, and D. Luy, the bottom ranker?



【TEAM -LEONCIO】(レオンシオ)

Does the lion’s scream echo in the goal? Team Leoncio!

Rank B Zemekis, Rank C TB Cone,

It’s roaring at the circuit!




The meaning of Theo is the will of God!

Does God really smile at Theo?

Rank B Scott and Rank C Shuley support the team!




The details of this team are a mystery!

What kind of battle will they show?

Rank B Spacey, Rank D K. Chapman

Pay attention to these two bugs!




A young team pursuing dynamic driving!

The attitude of taking on challenges without fear of failure is a sight to see!

Rank C Dendeng, Rank D Jenny B,

Can they show off the challenger’s run?



Bug introduction


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